Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Birds of a feather experience surgery together

I had tubes removed from my ears today; it was a minor out-patient surgery. I've had a number of those minor, out-patient or same-day surgeries, actually. In reverse order: tubes out (the real name involves some sort of Latin or Greek root word with a -plasty or -ectomy tacked onto the end to make it sound official), tubes in and a sinus Roto-rooter, tonsillectomy, breast reduction, and two arthroscopic knee surgeries. Of course, I've also had a few surgeries and medical situations that required hospital stays as well. Again in reverse order: child birth by C-section, vaginal child birth, ridiculously painful throat abscesses almost requiring an emergency tonsillectomy, and two ACL replacements in my left knee.

Truthfully, I listed these surgeries so I could quickly look them up on my smart phone or the next inventive device that helps people remember things. This is important, you know, for the next time I am forced to repeat these surgical experiences at least 34 times to 26 different employees on 3 different hospital floors. Just how many hospital employees need to ask the same questions? Isn't there a chart with all that information? Better yet, isn't there an computerized electronic device that can store and display said information?

This procedure didn't hurt. The two most painful out-patient surgeries, the breast reduction and the tonsillectomy, were pretty damned miserable. In comparison, this surgery seemed like a brief, "same-day" exercise in building up my gag reflex in response to the smell of antiseptic sterility and fresh, out-of-the-package plastic. I was shocked that my doctor didn't even prescribe any pain medicine for me to take home. I guess I'll just have to bust out the reserves left over from the those previous surgeries. Vicodin and Codeine never expire, right? Oh, that's right--this one didn't hurt. Tylenol should suffice, I guess. (Cue the sad trombone.)

Actually, the most painful part of this surgery wasn't the IV, incision, or even the horrible feeling of wearing disposable, hospital-issued panties with an industrial strength, soft-as-cardboard menstrual pad. Nope. It was the twitch-inducing woman behind the blue curtain across from me. Enduring her voice, her lack of civility, and her increasing anxiety was, by far, the most painful part of this surgical experience. And, lucky me, she was scheduled before me for the same doctor, so I followed her everywhere in that damned hospital. I got to hear about her medical experiences 34 times to 26 different employees on 3 hospital floors.

Luckily, her surgical repertoire wasn't as long as mine. I can tell you, however, that she was having tubes placed in her ears because she ended up in the hospital for five days after her eardrum burst about a month ago.The eardrum bursting isn't what landed her in the hospital--it was the staph infection that got into her blood. I'll save you, dear reader, from learning exactly which kind of gram-negative, staff-a-lo-coccyx harmonium she had contracted (or was it strep-o-coccus pericardium? Hell, I don't know because she butchered it EVERY time she attempted to pronounce it).What I cannot accurately convey is the tone of this twitch-inducing woman's voice. Just imagine you smoked two packs of cigarettes per day for the last 20 years of your life, had asthma, and seemed short-listed for a COPD diagnosis. Her voice wasn't Kathleen Turner deep either! It still had a surprisingly bouncy, youthful pitch. I know I'm dating myself here, but the closest comparison to this woman's voice is Kim Carnes circa "Betty Davis Eyes."

Maybe she annoyed me because I couldn't see her; it always helps to put a name with a face. We've all had to mentally turn down the volume on a person who clearly doesn't understand the concept of an "inside voice." I did that, and it didn't work! In fact, it made me listen more carefully. Stupid, stupid, stupid. My growing disdain for the twitch-inducing woman also projected itself onto her friend, who was there in the patient waiting room to keep her anxious friend company and drive her home from the hospital--after eighty bazillion cigarette breaks of course--because birds of a feather flock together. Come to think of it, I didn't see Feather-friend's face either! But I could certainly smell her when the blue curtain rumbled as she walked past to go smoke yet another cigarette. Feather-friend also had squeaky shoes, that bitch! The nurses didn't even have squeaky shoes--what the hell!?! I suppose the real reason I grew so fond of Feather-friend was that she kept her twitch-inducing friend talking--and talking loudly, about herself no less!

I have no idea how women like these find husbands and/or baby-daddies, but the twitch-inducing woman had three children. Worse yet, one of her children "had underwent" the same surgery she was waiting to receive. I heard, in vivid detail, just how quickly her son's surgery went. She didn't even have time to smoke, get coffee, and get settled in the waiting room. The nurse had to "come and go get her" outside in the smoking area because it was the hospital's "best practice" ("Whatever THAT means") to have a parent with a child under age 8 in the recovery room when the child wakes up from the anesthesia. Knowing this, the twitch-inducing patient continued to become more and more vocally anxious about her surgery as the clock crawled toward go-time. She'd been at the hospital since 5:45 a.m. for Christ's sake. Why does anyone need to come to the hospital THAT early for an 8:30 surgery? It's like the doctors are just trying to piss off their patients, right? The nerve. And these nurses are just the worst! Why do they have to be so nice and accommodating while still obtaining and conveying the necessary information for their patients? Sure, everyone dreads the nurse who draws the short straw and is forced to stick IV needles in patients' hands all day. But why do nurses need to take their patients' blood pressure every 20 minutes? It's as if they want to remind the patients that they are supposed to have a heart.

Needless to say, I'd prefer NOT to have another out-patient surgery for a very long time. Unfortunately, surgeries seeming inevitable in my life, but I'm going to continue to focus on becoming even healthier and fitter so I can avoid further misery like the brand I experienced today. These dang ear tubes are out, and they are staying out! I don't care that my doctor found a polyp next to the tube in my left ear. He got the tubes out, cut off the polyp, and patched the holes. I'm going to pretend that I didn't read up on the potential dangers of aural polyps and declare myself cured of all my ear, nose and throat abnormalities that might cause another out-patient surgical visit. Interestingly, I was entertaining the idea of finding a new ENT specialist because my doctor has the reputation of being a jerk to the nurses in his office. However, now that I've seen the kind of shit he has to deal with on surgery day--I'll probably reconsider.

Now, it's time for more Tylenol...and a shot from each of the three wise men, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, and Johnny Walker. That's the homeopathic equivalent to Vicodin, right?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

You Did What? With What? My Guide to Juice Fasting

To the 500+ friends I have on Facebook, this will not come as a surprise: I successfully completed a 10-day juice fast (juice cleanse). What’s even more surprising? I would do it again! Some of you know that I can be a bit long-winded, so I will offer two versions of my story—the short version, and the long version. It’s your choice.

Short:  I began seeing a chiropractor in late January who recommended a 10-day juice fast as a means of quickly eliminating some of the inflammation stored in my body. At first, I laughed and said, “You mean I can only drink fruit and vegetable juices? I will not be able to eat FOOD? Are you kidding? Is this a joke?”  I really liked this guy, and, for reasons I hadn’t quite pinpointed yet, I also trusted his opinion.  After nearly a month of adjustments and acupuncture twice a week, I finally committed to the juice fast.

I did a decent amount of Internet research before I began my fast, and there are some really cool companies that are cropping up that provide the right kinds of products for people who want to juice fast. My chiropractor said that store bought juices, preferably organic and preservative free, were a fine choice for someone in my shoes who did not own a juicer and couldn’t really afford to invest in a good one with my family’s budget.

The weekend before I had decided to begin my fast, I went to Whole Foods (for the first time—don’t hate me/discredit me please!) and bought a shitload of juices. Yes, a shitload is the official terminology on this page—deal with it. Since I was new to this concept, I bought many different kinds—some were refrigerated, some were not. Some were smoothies (non-dairy), some were not. Like I said, this was all new to me, and I had no FRIGGIN’ idea there would be so many FRIGGIN’ options!  It was one part overwhelming, one part relieving, and one part refreshing to see such a busy grocery store with so many options I never knew existed.

I began trying to replace meals, one per day, with juices and smoothies. I found smoothies kept me fuller, but I wasn’t sure that my doctor would approve since they weren’t technically juices. Luckily, he did approve of non-dairy smoothies, so I felt more confident that I could at least attempt this fast. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d be able to make it to day 10. But 3 days was better than 0 days, 5 days better  than 3 days, and so on. Why not give it a try?

I began my juice fast on Tuesday, February 25 and ended it on Thursday, March 6. I chose to begin my fast while my husband was out of town on business on purpose for a number of reasons. (He travels a lot, so this wasn’t a big inconvenience for me.) The biggest test I knew I would face was on Friday, February 28  (Juice Fast Day 4) when we would attend a Trivia Night fundraiser for my daughter’s elementary school. While I did ingest 4 or 5 Jell-O shots (no, these were not officially sanctioned by my chiropractor), I did not eat food. I drank juice the entire night—except for the Jell-O shots. There was table full of goodies—2 White Castle Crave cases, brownies, pretzels, dips, fruit with cream cheese dip, wine cheese, crackers, etc.—and I didn’t eat a single bite. I lost 10 pounds over those ten days, but, again, that wasn't my main focus. I gauged my inflammation levels on how my ankles felt going up and down the stairs. By day 3, I had no pain or stiffness. I drank lots and lots of water in between all the juices too. Sometimes, I would drink a glass of water when I felt hungry and that would solve my issues. If it didn't, then I would have a juice or smoothie. 

Facebook status updates (without comments) from the Juice Fast

Day 1 of my juice fast is in the books. Let's hope day 2 (tomorrow) is as uneventful (in a good way) as today was. By the way, carrot juice isn't horrible. Inflammation be gone!
(Juice Fast Day 2:) I know that it is WAY too early in this juice fast thing I'm doin' to be saying this...but...I am already impressed with myself. "They" say that day 3 and 7 are the hardest. Tomorrow is day 3, any and all positive thoughts, words, and mojo are appreciated.
Juice Fast Day 3: Woke up feeling better than I can ever remember. Worked out like a boss. Got more juices, started to get weak and cranky. Went to Tae Kwon Do. Sat at dinner table with family as they ate and I had a large juice. I survived. Good night.
Juice Fast Day 4: Today kinda sucked. But...I made it. I'm really surprised at myself.
Juice Fast Day 5: High highs, low lows. Surprised that I am still awake...not for long. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...
Juice Fast Day 6: Shout out to my hubby (John Hare) who hand squeezed Cuties for me today AND bought me an Orange Julius smoothie while out and about. He also let me hibernate in my room because today really sucked as far as fasting goes. I made it through today because of the support of my husband.
Juice Fast Day 7: Despite a restless night of children coughing and husbands snoring, I woke up feeling better than I could have expected. Yes, I'll keep going. Now I need to figure out how to break this fast in a healthy way...(I want/crave eggs bad!!!!)
Juice Fast Day 8: Headaches and lethargy today (after working out). But...the day is over and I did it. My bed is calling. Nighty night.
(Juice Fast Day 9 Unofficial Status Update): If there is one thing I've learned from this juice fast (there are many but THIS is the most important)--all those years of tolerating Jägermeister shots has come in very, very handy when confronted with a vegetable juice that I know I need to consume but don't want to taste. — feeling accomplished.
Juice Fast Day 9: One more day. Just one more day. I wonder if eating actual food will seem tedious...
Juice Fast Day 10: Finished! I am equally shocked and proud of myself for being successful. It was totally worth it! — feeling accomplished.

Juices and smoothies I drank. (Happy face recommendations are similar to stars.)

Odwalla Red Rhapsody  JJJJJ  On the sweet side, so drink infrequently. I often used it as a reward for a good workout.
Odwalla Original Superfood JJJJJ  Good for everyday drinking. I switched it with other similar juices so I didn’t get sick of it.
Odwalla Blueberry B   JJ   I have never been a fan of blueberries, so it is pretty amazing that I even tried this smoothie.  What’s even more amazing? I finished it AND gave it more than one smile face.
Odwalla Berries Gomega  JJ   Just not my thing, but I finished it.
Odwalla Strawberry C-monster  JJJJ  On the sweet side, so don’t drink this after brushing your teeth!
Odwalla Strawberry Banana  JJJJJ  Great staple juice/smoothie.
Naked Green Machine   JJJJJ  Good for everyday drinking. I alternated between this and Odwalla Original Superfood.
Naked Berry Veggie  JJ   Just not my thing. Almost finished it.
Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness    JJJJJ  Good for everyday drinking. I alternated this juice with Odwalla Original Superfood and Naked Green Machine.
Bolthouse Farms 100% Carrot  JJJ It certainly tastes like carrots. Not really my thing, but if you like carrot juice…then you’ll love this.
R.W. Knudsen Simply Nutritious Mega Green J  I hate peaches, and this tasted like peaches. Definitely not my thing. My husband liked it though.
R.W. Knudsen Simply Nutritious Morning Blend JJJJJ Awesome. Replace your current, everyday orange juice with this one (or the Orange Carrot juice below)! Yum!
R.W. Knudsen Apple--Organic JJJJ  Not the best apple juice I’ve ever had, but better than many of the alternatives.
R.W. Knudsen Orange Carrot—Organic  JJJJJ  Awesome. Replace your current, everyday orange juice with this one. I could drink this every day! Even my son loves it!
R.W. Knudsen Cranberry Pomegranate—Organic  JJJJ  A bit tart for my taste, but still really good!

There are more juices, but my strep throat is telling me to stop for now. I will add more when I get a chance. 

Long:  Still under construction. Will post when finished. Thanks for your patience.